THE Skype sex scandal engulfing the Australian Defence Force Academy has polarised political leaders, with Liberal Senator Nick Minchin blasting the treatment of ADFA commandant Bruce Kafer and raising questions about the 18-year-old female cadet at the centre of the furore.
As new allegations of rape and sexual misconduct at the college came to light, Senator Minchin lauded Commodore Kafer as “one of the finest officers it has been my privilege to meet in the Australian military”.Senator Minchin had close dealings with the senior officer when his son, an officer-cadet at ADFA, was almost killed in a training accident in February last year.
He said Defence Minister Stephen Smith, who has repeatedly refused to express confidence in the ADFA commandant, had treated Commodore Kafer after appallingly.“I think it is so wrong for the Minister for Defence to hang out to dry the commandant of ADFA,” Senator Minchin said.“The Minister should never do that. It is his job, frankly, to be supporting the commandant in dealing with an extremely difficult situation.”
Defence confirmed last night that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Defence Force Investigative Service were investigating the allegation, which was made last night on Channel Ten.
The woman said she had sex with a fellow first-year cadet but was horrified to find out from other cadets that the man had left a webcam on, allowing others to watch.
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She said that still pictures taken from the footage were also being shared around the academy.
''You see it on the TV and you read it in the papers that these things happen, but until it happens to you, you don't actually believe that these things happen,'' said the woman, whose identity was concealed.The allegation is the latest blow to a Defence Force already reeling from scandals and unsavoury incidents.Defence Minister Stephen Smith said he could not imagine a greater "betrayal of trust".
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Defence Sex Scandal After Cadets : Plagues Defence Forces over Webcam