He is a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity and is also a keen sports player.However, we have chosen not to identify him to protect him from the damaging repercussions of his own foolishness.The libidinous student's tryst on top of a USC building swept the internet earlier this week after a fellow student photographed the couple's antics.
While there was no official confirmation of the disgraced student’s identity, several sources have told the MailOnline this is the man.The scandal has electrified the university's student body but is likely to horrify the student's middle-class family.The disgraced fraternity member's wealthy parents live in a highly respectable beach community in southern California.
Leaders of the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council are set to meet this week with the presidents of all campus sororities and fraternities to discuss a course of action.
The student in question met with USC's student judicial affairs and community standards (SJACS) Monday about the issue, the MailOnline understands.
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